LSI in AJ’S Architecture Tomorrow MIPIM UK Exhibition
From the 15th to the 17th October, LSI Architects featured in the AJ’s inaugural Architecture Tomorrow exhibition, a curated exhibition of future projects.
The exhibition featured at MIPIM UK, the 1st UK property trade show gathering professionals from in the UK property market: investors, developers, local authorities, occupiers, hotel groups, agents and business service providers.
You can see stunning early visuals of the practice’s Material Works project in Kings Lynn that featured in the Urban Regeneration category of the exhibition. Chris Brown, Chief Executive at Igloo Regeneration said of the category “These are projects that reflect the needs of the local community, in some case projects that are community led. This seems likely to be a feature of future decades as government increasingly empowers communities to lead the development of their neighbourhoods”
The Kings Lynn Material Works project is a unique process facility that will house plant and machinery to change general waste (including ‘black bin bag’ waste) into material products principally for use in buildings and interiors.
The illustrated scheme is formed into a disused quarry in a rural setting. The plant and machinery is housed in an industrial building with a separate concrete grid shell and green roof structure concealing the industrial building.
Forming the plant and machinery within a quarry reduces the mass and height of the structure, and with the grid shell and green roof envelope, the environmental and visual impact of the facility is significantly reduced.