LSI Drawing Prize 2019

Senior Architect Richard Bassett recently visited Norwich University of the Arts Architecture Degree Show to award the LSI Architects Drawing Prize.

As always it was a really difficult decision for us to pick a winner of the LSI Architects Drawing Prize. This year we found ourselves torn between our heads and our hearts.

Our hearts were drawn towards the work of students with hand drawn preparatory sketches, with their quality of linework and mark making.

However, our heads told us that the digital images were just as relevant as the hand drawings, with skill shown in composing the image, controlling the quality of light in rendering, and importantly, the ability to bring a sense of life to the digital image.

In the end we chose a drawing which captured all of the above, as well as successfully communicated the proposal, and illustrating the relationship between spaces. Joshua’s drawings ultimately conveyed the joy of being in those spaces. Congratulations Joshua!


Joshua’s work, photographed by Denisa Ilie