LSI's Queensmill School Project in Shepherds Bush has recently been completed.

LSI’s Queensmill School Project in Shepherds Bush, commissioned by Bouygues UK, has recently been completed. Queensmill is a £6.5 million, 4100sqm new-build Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) School providing education from nursery age to post 16. The specialist building includes multi-sensory classrooms, respite suites and specialist external play areas.


The school practices a completely inclusive philosophy for all its pupils and staff; the building is their school and evokes this in a simple and clear form with a neutral and eloquent palette, providing the perfect backdrop for the children’s learning environment.

Commissioned from planning stages, LSI developed the design with end user client 3BM. Use of BIM and 3D modelling was made throughout the project, from detailed design to completion, with the development of the structural system through to scheduling in the later production stages. The imagery created from this also enabled the client and end users to visualise the space, a useful tool when discussing room layouts and choosing the finishes.

The BIM process greatly aided coordination, which on Queensmill was a major factor in the delivery of the scheme to programme.  The team also offered value for money, highlighting areas where savings could be offered to the client, whilst still providing spaces which meet and exceed national regulations.

“The completed building, we believe, has realised the client’s vision through the use of a very eloquent palette of materials, all which join together at clean junctions to deliver the impeccable finish the client required”  Peter Courtney, LSI Architects.
