SS Robin
A heritage/visitor centre project based around the UK’s oldest complete cargo steamship. LSI proposed a team under ProHelp, re-evaluated the design, and submitted a revised planning application, for inspiring but affordable facilities within the HLF grant, to reflect the Royal Docks’ Vision for regeneration and innovation.
The project was to create a new long-term partnership with London Borough of Newham, RoDMA and the LDA to animate the existing waterspace, using the newly restored SS Robin as a catalyst for the regeneration of the Royal Docks.
In developing a mixed use, water-dependant attraction, the facility intends to develop a vocational, industry-based training centre offering paths to employment. The project builds on a heritage legacy and celebrates the local identity and character of the area, and is aligned with the objectives of LB Newham’s Cores Strategy, the Mayor of London’s Blue Ribbon Network, and the Water City initiative.

By restoring SS Robin to her former glory she will become an architectural icon in the East End, bringing maritime heritage back to the Royal Docks. SS Robin will also serve as an exhibition and interpretive arts space as well as a hospitality venue offering private hire for up to 400 visitors.
SS Robin will become a hub to explore the past, present and future of ingenuity and invention and specifically the scientific and technological innovation which she embodies, fusing past innovation with the creative thinking of the present and future.
Client testimonial
She’s a true London icon, symbolising the spirit of engineering, innovation, technology and true grit which made - and continues to make - the East End great.