The Pear Tree Centre, Halesworth
The Pear Tree Centre is a state of the art drop-in Information and Support Centre for Halesworth Community Nursing Care Fund to provide information and support to those with cancer or any other life threatening illness and their families nearer to home.

The scheme aims to work in collaboration with health professionals to provide evidence based advice to patients and their families to improve their peace of mind and quality of life at a time of greatest need.
The fully accessible new building provides an open and welcoming atmosphere. It has been designed for flexible use by the stakeholders with spaces for individual and group sessions and large lounge space for group activities and waiting for appointments.
The entrance has been designed without a formal reception desk to facilitate a ‘meet and greet’ service to help make the centre feel welcoming and less clinical. The building also provides a library space, counselling and therapy rooms plus office accommodation, a multi-purpose kitchen, and a dementia friendly sensory garden space.
The single storey building’s form is in keeping with the neighbouring residential bungalows, with a palette of materials that is sympathetic to the site whilst bringing a contemporary feel to the area. The simple and distinct domestic forms provoke a sense of familiarity and feeling of wellbeing.