Best of Sketchclub 2016
When it comes to the initial stages of a project, Architects prefer the pencil to the mouse. The pencil provides the directness of thought that cannot be replicated with a mouse. The speed of mind to hand, to paper – a process that can also be shared with others.
The pencil is an excellent tool for creative investigation and so sketching plays a pivotal role in all of our projects.
Our weekly sketch club is a great opportunity for us to get out of the office at lunchtime to practice our skills by sketching some of Norwich or London’s most recognisable landmarks.
Here are some of the best sketches from sketch club this year.
From Sketchclub’s London contingent, here is Ben Wall’s sketch of the Barbican Centre.
The Studio Pavilion at Mackintosh’s House for an Art Lover by Chris Lappin from our trip to Glasgow.
Sketching in the wonderful Country and Eastern Store in Norwich was no easy task with the store housing dramatic displays of over 4000 interesting and unusual items and antiques. Here was Richard Bassett’s effort.
A view of Norwich Cathedral from the Rooftop Gardens by Dan Pedley
A pair of sketches from Ewa Bubnicka-Gyde, of St Andrew’s Church and a balcony at the Country and Eastern store.
This sketch from Debbie Cushing of the Hallway from the Dining Room at Mackintosh’s House for an Art Lover was voted best sketch from our trip to Glasgow.
This colourful sketch from Richard Bassett of the Birdcage pub in Norwich was produced on an iPad.
A crisp sketch of St Peter Mancorft Church by Chris Soman
Another sketch from our trip to Glasgow, this time from Rupert Kitchen, of The Burrell Collection Museum and Gallery.
We’ve also been able to attend some life drawing classes at the Birdcage, a difficult challenge and a great way of testing our skills. Here’s one of the sketches produced at the classes by Trevor Price.
This fantastic highland cow was sketched in Glasgow’s Pollok Country Park by Sofia Dodson.
…and finally, here are a couple of favourite sketches that I’ve done this year, from Castle Mall and St Gregory’s in Norwich.