LSI Architects signs the Mental Health at Work Commitment

LSI Architects has signed the Mental Health at Work Commitment to mark our continued efforts of raising the profile of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

The Mental Health at Work Commitment provides a simple framework for employers who recognise the importance of promoting employee wellbeing. It has been developed with the knowledge and expertise of mental health charities, leading employers, and trade organisations.

The framework has six clear standards based on best practice, building on those set out in the independent Government-commissioned Thriving at Work review:




Organisations who sign the commitment will lead the way in implementing each standard for their people. For LSI, the six standards are things that are already set in place, but the actions that sit under these standards will help to further refine our wellbeing strategy to best support our teams.

Mental Health at Work is a charity curated by Mind and supported by the Mental Health At Work Leadership Council. They work to provide organisations with over 550 resources and toolkits, covering subjects such as anxiety, depression, racism, and financial wellbeing.

They also host a Peer Platform, which provides a space where organisations can help each other to deliver the Commitment’s six standards. LSI’s Associate HR Manager, Katrina Parsons, is currently in the process of becoming a supporter within the Peer Platform, which will see her mentor a similar sized organisation through their own mental health and wellbeing journey.