Westwick Street Apartments Get Planning Consent

Norwich’s Planning Committee approves plans to redevelop the decommissioned telephone repeater station at 70 Westwick Street to provide 42 high quality, one- and two-bedroom apartments, with associated amenity areas, car, and cycle parking.

Norwich’s Planning Committee has approved plans to redevelop the decommissioned telephone repeater station at 70 Westwick Street.

The approved scheme, designed by LSI Architects, includes the demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide 42 high quality, one- and two-bedroom apartments, with associated amenity areas, car, and cycle parking.

LSI Architects Design for new Norwich City Centre Apartments on Westwick Street

Situated within the City Centre Conservation Area, the site is located in close proximity to a number of key pedestrian and cycle routes into and out of the city, with links to the Wensum River Parkway and Norwich Pedalways.

In response to the site’s heritage and residential context, a blend of local brick is proposed in combination with traditional pitched roof forms. The landscaping proposals comprise a series of stepped and accessible terraces, with soft landscaping interventions that will bring an ecological enhancement to the development.


The contemporary development unlocks views of key landmarks in the area such as City Hall, the Roman Catholic Cathedral, and the church towers of St. Giles and St Gregory’s, whilst safeguarding the Grade II listed New Mills Pumping Station in the immediate vicinity.

Mark Kelly, Disposals and Development Director at Telereal Trillium said: “The proposal sought to replace the existing building with a high quality residential development that is respectful of the conservation area and draws upon the historic character of this part of the city – we’re delighted the scheme has been given the green light and look forward to progressing the development.”

Rupert Kitchen, Partner at LSI Architects said: “The scheme celebrates the character of its riverside setting and, with the provision of good quality housing within this sustainable location, will bring about an overall improvement to the conservation area.”

Victoria Manthorpe from The Norwich Society commented: “We are impressed with this proposal, which is imaginative, a good scale and will help to enhance the area.”


