Plans Approved for Ziggurat Refurb

The project is to return the upper three floors of Suffolk Terrace, to residential accommodation for students.

Proposals to refurbish part of Denys Lasdun’s Ziggurats at the University of East Anglia have received planning permission.

Norfolk and Suffolk Terraces were constructed between 1965 and 1967, conceived as a fundamental part of Lasdun’s stage 1 development at the University of East Anglia. The buildings were awarded grade II* listed status in 2003 in recognition of their significant architectural and historic interest.

The project is to return the upper three floors of Suffolk Terrace, block C, to residential accommodation for students. These floors are currently utilised as office space, providing student support services.

LSI Architects: UEA Suffolk Terrace Refurb - Existing Bedroom

Existing Bedroom (Above)


LSI Architects: UEA Suffolk Terrace Refurb, Proposed Bedroom

Proposed Bedroom (above)

The finishes and materials have been chosen to reference those as originally installed but also to respond to comments received by the students in relation to additional comfort, and comments from the University estates team in relation to resilience and ease of maintenance.