Workplace Wellbeing Index Gold Accreditation 2019/20
LSI Architects has again achieved the 'Gold-Achieving Excellence' accreditation at Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards
LSI Architects has again achieved the ‘Gold-Achieving Excellence’ accreditation at Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Awards
The Practice placed 2nd overall from 103 organisations to take part in Mind’s second annual Workplace Wellbeing Index and 1st in the staff survey section, and was recognised with a Gold Award, evidencing our committment to achieving change within our workplace, for the third successive year.
HR Manager Katrina Parsons has also received the award for Wellbeing Lead, one of four employee recognition awards, which is Awarded to an employee who has had a positive impact in the course of their duties safeguarding mental health and wellbeing.
Mind’s Workplace Wellbeing Index is a benchmark of best policy and practice, celebrating the good work employers are doing to promote and support positive mental health, and providing key recommendations on the specific areas where there is room to improve.
Director Ben Goode said:
“We are extremely proud of our gold reaccreditation in the 2019/2020 Workplace Wellbeing Index.
We know that even before the current, difficult situation we all now find ourselves in that there are certain characteristics about the way architects work which can add to the likelihood that a mental health issue will occur. The trap of working longer hours and doing more for less in response to the challenges that the industry faces often results in higher staff turnover, poor health and a lack of long term investment in people’s development.
There is still a level of stigma attached to people suffering with poor mental health.
We are proud that the majority of the people who shared that they have experienced difficulties with their mental health have disclosed this to us so that they could access the support that they needed and that every one of our team felt that the practice encourages openness and discussion about mental health which has been an important objective of our work in this area.
We can take a great deal of confidence from the feedback in the MIND Workplace Wellbeing Index survey that when it comes to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our teams we are on the right track.
We also know, however, that we still have a lot more to do and the current situation we are all in is almost certainly going to give rise to more difficulties with their mental health. As a practice, however, we remain fully committed to continuing to improve how we support the mental health and wellbeing of our teams.”
Emma Mamo, Head of Workplace Wellbeing at Mind, said:
“Every employer depends on having a healthy and productive workforce – valued and supported employees are far more likely to deliver the best outcomes for your organisation. That’s why we’re delighted to recognise and celebrate employers making mental health a priority for their organisation through our Workplace Wellbeing Awards.
“This year, we’ve been overwhelmed to see so much good practice right across the board, from each and every one of the 103 diverse employers to take part. The Awards event provided an opportunity to recognise those forward-thinking employers who are at the cutting edge when it comes to investing in their staff wellbeing, and in turn getting the best outcomes for their business.”