Redgrave Pinsent Rowing Lake
Redgrave-Pinsent Rowing Lake is part of Sport England’s Institute of Sport, and provides a 2,000 metre, 8 lane wide training lake for the 70 men and women rowers that comprise the GB elite squad.
The course has been reclaimed from old gravel pits adjacent to the River Thames at Caversham, with the coaching road formed on a bund of material dredged from the site. LSI have designed the land-based training facility and boathouse that serves the course. As well as a gym, ergo room, physiotherapy and medical rooms, there are changing rooms plus a kitchen and crew room, which has a large balcony that overlooks the course. Sitting on a brick base above the flood level, the long, low buildings are clad in cedar boarding with render panels and a distinctive metal roofline.