Thetford Riverside
The completed regeneration scheme combines a 62B hotel, 3-screen cinema and retail units designed in response to public consultations, significant archaeological constraints, local heritage, and enhancing the riverside public realm. Planning consent was obtained for the site in the heart of Thetford, which includes an area of Scheduled Ancient Monument.
Hotel, Cinema and Retail uses are combined to provide a contemporary development stimulating leisure ‘offer’ in Thetford town centre. The site’s heritage and archaeology constraints have been successfully addressed by LSI during the design and consultative stages of the project including extensive consultation involving English Heritage, Local Conservation and Planning Officers, the Town Council and local residents. LSI engaged with the local stakeholders and ensured that useful feedback was integrated into the design proposals, while remaining compliant to the developer’s brief.
LSI was able to provide 3D computer models of the proposals and town centre context along with physical models to describe the scale, form, massing and materials. LSI also prepared illustrations, walk-through animations and design information for ‘wider’ consultation with local residents, interested parties which was all coordinated with Breckland Council to ensure the Local Authority provided a consistent commentary on development within the Town Centre.
The proposal of modern design set within the heritage context, whereby ‘new’ development is seen as a modern counterpoint to historic structures surrounding the site was supported by English Heritage.
LSI’s project specific experience of providing new buildings for Hotel use for Travelodge and a working understanding of current and typical tenant’s requirements for restaurant retailers, combined with our experience of Cinema design, has ensured the design aspirations of the scheme did not exceed economic viability.