Jenny Lind Paediatrics Theatre Complex
An £8.6M internal refurbishment to provide a new Paediatrics Theatre Complex at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH).
This project began with a feasibility study to explore the potential relocation of the paediatric theatres closer to the current children’s services as part of a wider aspiration to create a dedicated Children’s Hospital in the East of England.
The theatres were previously located at the other end of the Hospital, on a floor above the paediatric ward, which had a negative impact on the patient experience and resulted in young patients who were already feeling nervous or anxious to become even more unsettled.
The feasibility study looked to repurpose some underutilised outpatient areas, and through consultation with the clinical team, the project was approved and developed into two new ultra-clean theatres with associated recovery and support accommodation.
This new theatre complex is located adjacent to the hospital’s paediatric ward, dramatically reducing the distance patients are transported and therefore significantly improving the patients’ experience.

A particular success of the project was LSI’s close working relationship with the Trust’s Environmental Arts Manager, and the early introduction of integrated artwork to make the new department as child friendly as possible. All artwork was produced by Toby Rampton, who worked alongside local schools to come up with designs that linked to the existing seaside theme of the hospital’s Jenny Lind children’s ward. This artwork features on the walls and ceilings of the complex, with the nurse base also featuring an exciting and engaging LED installation.
The project is inherently sustainable in that an under-utilised space within the hospital was repurposed for greater need, however highly energy-efficient plant and equipment has been installed to maximise the Trust’s commitment to carbon reduction.
The end-result is a high-quality healthcare environment that incorporates artwork to help put its young patients at ease. The new complex also allows for paediatric staff to have better connections between teams.
Client testimonial
"I am really proud of the unit, which has been created very much with our younger patients at the heart of our decision-making. It also provides a much better working space for our teams."
Caroline Banson Clinical Lead