Our people
Julian Steel Associate
Julian joined LSI in 2004, following previous engagements as a freelance technologist, to work on larger projects and assume a management role. He had previously gained experience in 3 Norfolk-based practices on social housing and office projects, and for 4 years with GPN Ltd as PM installing Cellnet telecom installations throughout the UK.
Since becoming an Associate in 2004, he has delivered the RIBA East awarded atrium and refurbishment of Aviva’s Grade 1 Marble Hall, and completed a wide range of secondary, FE and HE education projects, and some 870 study bedrooms in 5 separate projects, alongside smaller commissions such as the HLF-assisted work at the RSPB Minsmere Visitor Centre.
Increasingly, D&B is the procurement route for education projects, and he has worked with contractors and design teams to refine the services we offer, generating appropriate scopes of duties and information for the build process.
Within the practice, he is system manager for our QMS and EMS Systems, has contributed to the in-house Plan of Work, and oversees the specification software. He is currently working towards full membership of the CIOB.